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API EHR Integrations Support Patient Reported Outcomes Data Sharing

According to a recent JAMIA study, API EHR integrations can support patient reported outcomes data sharing with primary care providers, and demonstrates how third-party apps can be used in parallel with native EHR functionality and patient portal offerings.

As highlighted in this recent EHR Intelligence article, researchers developed and tested an initial prototype of a remote patient monitoring application in a primary care setting. This also included a clinician-facing dashboard accessible from the EHR and an EHR inbox message preceding the visit. Nurse-facing requirements included callback requests sent as an EHR inbox message.

Overall, the study reinforces how API integrations within EHRs can ultimately enhance overall health data sharing between patients and primary care physicians. With the rise of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) during the COVID-19 pandemic, this study points to how data sharing will be intrinsically tied to successful remote and telehealth efforts.

In addition, the study reinforces the rise of the new API economy in the health data exchange arena. With this new frontier opening up, there will be a rise of new players in the health data sharing API sector, especially as the demand for data will increase as consumers become comfortable accessing their personal health information using apps.

One critical element to note is that there are already industry players that have been offering health data exchange solutions for many years. 

For example, the RosettaHealth team worked closely with the ONC in defining and deploying standards, creating reference implementations, and establishing the fabric of interoperability that is expanding across the industry today. As a result of this legacy, currently more than ten million health records move across the RosettaHealth platform per month.

The RosettaHealth HealthBus platform leverages technology, server-less, and cloud infrastructure to provide scalable, secure information transport, data wrangling, and orchestration services – removing development time, cost and maintenance of in-house infrastructure. 

RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.

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