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HIT News Round Up: FHIR and Health Data Interoperability; Health Data Improves Outcomes; and User-Focused EHR Design Needed

Welcome to the Health Information Technology Weekly News Round Up from RosettaHealth. Each week, we will provide you with a summary of all the actionable news that hospitals, HIT vendors, ACOs, and population health providers need to be smart and effective when it comes to HIT and health information exchange.

Using FHIR Hubs to Drive Social Service, Health Data Interoperability

The St. Louis Regional Data Alliance created a FHIR-based interoperability hub for aging services data to anchor its efforts to bridge social service and health information.

Maine Hospital Invests in MEDITECH EHR to Optimize Clinical Workflows

Houlton Regional Hospital (HRH) in Maine is implementing a MEDITECH EHR platform to optimize clinical workflows and care coordination. The EHR will support data exchange between the hospital and the Houlton Regional Hospital outpatient physician office practices.

User-Focused EHR Design Needed to Drive Care Improvement

Future EHR systems must become more user-focused to enable providers to deliver improved care, according to a new JAMIA study.

How to Use Digital Health Data to Improve Outcomes

The amount of health information generated by digital tools is rapidly growing, and should be used to improve the quality of care, as highlighted in this recent Harvard Business Review article.

Incomplete Patient Data Delays Prior Authorization for Specialty Medications

Nearly two-thirds of prescribers report that inaccurate and incomplete patient data is a top challenge to obtaining prior authorization for specialty medications, according to a new study.

Why Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) is Important

Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) is the automated generation and transmission of case reports from electronic health records to public health agencies for review and action.

To learn more about how RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.

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