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HIT News Round Up: DirectTrust Digital Therapeutic Partnership; Home Health and Data Interoperability; and Future of Digital Health

Welcome to the Health Information Technology Weekly News Round Up from RosettaHealth. Each week, we will provide you with a summary of all the actionable news that hospitals, HIT vendors, ACOs, and population health providers need to be smart and effective when it comes to HIT and health information exchange.  

DirectTrust Partners with DTA on New Accreditation Program

DirectTrust and the Digital Therapeutics Alliance announced last week that they'll work together on an accreditation program designed to test the efficacy and security of digital-therapeutic apps and platforms.

3 Health IT Challenges Facing Home Health Agencies

Home health agencies (HHAs) face distinct health IT challenges due to the remote nature of services, compounded by exclusion from federal interoperability adoption incentives, according to this recent Tech Target article.

Rural Hospitals: The Forgotten Frontier Needs Advocates for a Better Model

Rural hospitals deserve tools and infrastructure that enable them to provide the best possible care for their unique communities, says one IT leader in this recent Healthcare IT News article. 

Benefits of EHRs Go Unrecognized as Assisted Living Trails Other Providers in Adoption

For senior living facilities, EHR software can integrate with other software solutions to improve care and maximize efficiencies, but most providers have not expanded their use of EHRs in the past year, according to a new study.

Harvard Physicians on the Future of Digital Health

Harvard physicians believe that the remedy to problems of cost, access, and quality lies applying digital technologies to the healthcare system, according to this recent Harvard Magazine article.

5 Views on AI In Healthcare from the American College of Physicians

Medical professionals using AI in clinical decision-making should limit the technology’s reach to a supportive role. In fact, used in these settings, the technology is best thought of—and referred to—as augmented intelligence, as highlighted in this recent AI in Healthcare article.

VHA Establishes Digital Health Office

The Veterans Health Administration has created a new office that combines a number of technology-focused components, including health informatics, population health, connected care, artificial intelligence programs and strategic initiatives laboratory.

To learn more about how RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.

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