
Event Notification Service

Manage care with notifications of events across care settings.


Real Time Notifications

Get notified of significant care events across care settings and communities.


Manage Care Coordination

Help manage post-acute and chronic care with notification events with clinical data.


Share Clinical Data

Include summary care records with events to create a wide-area record sharing network. 


Keep informed on how your patients are doing

Let our experts show you how effortless it is to stay informed.


Real Time Notifications

Get notified of significant care events across care settings and communities.

RosettaHealth Event Notification Service (ENS) can capture local clinical events, and share them across care settings and communities.  Using our messaging platform, and rules-engine, an ENS network is quickly deployed to:

  • Capture relevant, local events such as hospital "admits" and "discharges",

  • Using specified rules, distribute notifications to concerned providers and care managers,

  • Provide summary reporting on events.

Our ENS infrastructure is used to provide notification services statewide, covering over 90% of hospitals in the state.  Unlike other solutions, ENS has the flexibility to distribute notifications where you say, and how you say.


Manage Care Coordination

Help manage post-acute and chronic care with notification events with clinical data.

Event Notification Service (ENS) is currently being used to help managed care scenarios.  Getting real time notification, and clinical data of significant health events, can dramatically improve managed care efforts, such as:

  • Reducing hospital re-admits,
  • Medication reconciliation,
  • Chronic care management.

The flexibility of our ENS allows setting up ENS with attached clinical data for statewide deployment, or within ACOs and small communities.


Share Clinical Data

Include summary care records with events to create a wide-area record sharing network.

Our ENS+ service makes notifications more robust by attaching summary care records with events.  This can provide detailed, computable data with each event including:

  • Problems list,
  • Medications,
  • Allergies,
  • Procedures,
  • Results/Labs.