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HIE News Round Up: CMS Launches Health Informatics Office; Rise in EHR Inbox Messages; and Telehealth Update

Welcome to the Health Information Exchange Weekly News Round Up from RosettaHealth. Each week, we will provide you with a summary of all the actionable news that hospitals, HIT vendors, ACOs, and population health providers need to be smart and effective when it comes to health information exchange.

TCMS Creates New Office of Burden Reduction and Health Informatics

CMS has formed the new Office of Burden Reduction and Health Informatics – an outgrowth of its Patients over Paperwork Initiative. 

3 Factors Leading to an Increase of EHR Inbox Message Volumes

The number of patients, the average income of patients, and hours worked by primary care physicians result in an increase of EHR inbox messages.

New Data Shows Heavy EHR Adoption Investment Prior to HITECH Act

A new report is challenging the statistic that only 9 percent of hospitals had completed a basic EHR adoption by 2008, a key figure on which the 2009 HITECH Act hinged. 

McKinsey: Up to $250B of U.S. Health Spending Could Become Virtual

With more patients and providers being exposed to telehealth and virtual care, a report published by McKinsey predicts that as much as $250 billion of current U.S. healthcare spending could theoretically be virtualized.

After Initial Spike, Telehealth Visits Are on the Decline, Report Finds

A new report from the Commonwealth Fund found a "plateau" in the growth of telemedicine visits, accounting for a relatively small percentage of rebounding ambulatory care services. 

Major Health Orgs Create National Patient Identifier Coalition

Six major healthcare organizations have announced a collaboration aiming to enhance a national patient identifier program and boost patient matching by leveraging Congress for legislation and regulations. 

What The U.S. Can Learn From Taiwan's EHR System And COVID-19 Response

Taiwan's digital health infrastructure and central EHR system has played a big part in the country's successful COVID-19 response, serving as a model for the U.S. to potentially replicate in the future, according to this recent STAT article.

LANES CA Health Information Exchange Adds PDMP Database

The Los Angeles Network for Enhanced Services (LANES), a nonprofit health information exchange (HIE), announced a connection to a PDMP database, which tracks all controlled substances dispensed to patients across California.

To learn more about how RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.

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