
The most capable, easy-to-use health messaging solution.


Most Certified HISP

Most interoperable in the largest
trust network.


Easy Integration

Integrate full HISP capabilities in days.


Much More than "PI" (formerly MU)

Meets all of your HIPAA data
transport needs. 


Get Direct-enabled in a few hours!

Talk to the team that helped create Direct.


Most Certified HISP

Most interoperable in the largest trust network.

Providing customers with the assurance that HISPDirect adheres to the Direct standards and meets all of the security and privacy requirements, we have intentionally achieved all mandatory and optional certification including:

  • Interoperable: Modularly certified for all three (3) Promoting Interoperability (formerly Meaningful Use) 2 Direct criteria.

  • Secure: Only HISP ENHAC accredited and hosted in an ultra secure data center... beyond HIPAA.

  • Trusted: Member of DirectTrust Accredited and BlueButton+ Trust bundles. 


Easy Integration

Integrate full HISP capabilities in days.

Our typical customer completes integration in a few days (the fastest has been a couple of hours) versus weeks with other HISPs. Clear evidence that HISPDirect was built for easy integration.  We accomplished this by

  • Building a simple, highly flexible REST API. With just a few calls you can connect to any provider in the US. 
  • Providing a free, no obligation sandbox bundled with testing tools to accelerate your development.
  • Real time integration support to quickly come up to speed on 'Direct' and help with any technical issues.

Much More Than "PI" (formerly MU)

Meets all of your HIPAA data transport needs.

HISPDirect is so much more capable than just Promoting Interoperability (formerly Meaningful Use) messaging, providing the means to safely and securely move HIPAA covered medical records. HISPDirect provides the flexibility and control to realize this benefit. Specific examples include:

  • Manage post-acute and chronic care with ADT event notification
  • Public and population data reporting like CDCs' NHSN
  • Improving clinical outcomes through analyzing EMR patient medical records
  • Replacing PDF images with electronic medical records