To “Build Versus Buy” When It Comes to Health Data Exchange

For complex health IT integrations, the vendor community often takes the perspective that they can build these capabilities “better, faster and cheaper” themselves.

This is also common when it comes to specialized areas such as health data interoperability. The reality is that health data exchange capabilities are challenging to build on your own, and can come with considerable risk when internal teams fall short of bringing these capabilities to life.

A perfect analogy is building a house. As highlighted in this Health IT Answers guest article by Buff Colchagoff, CEO of RosettaHealth, unless you have a lot of free time on your hands, you don’t build your own home. In addition, most homes are built by a network of subcontractors and specialists, leading to vast productivity increases in the building industry.

When it comes to the risks of building your own health data exchange capabilities, Colchagoff provided a sobering example of what could potentially happen:

I recently spoke to a CEO of a health IT product company who had to re-architect his product. When I spoke to him 2 years ago, he introduced me to his CTO, who was sure they could build the interfaces they needed themselves. We discussed the efficiency of using a specialized cloud service, but this CTO was sure his team would have no problems. Unfortunately, 2 years later – the CTO is no longer with the company, and the CEO is having to re-architect the product.

In order to minimize these kinds of issues, it's best to rely on experts who can help.

For example, the RosettaHealth team worked closely with the ONC in defining and deploying standards, creating reference implementations, and establishing the fabric of interoperability that is expanding across the industry today. As a result of this legacy, currently more than ten million health records move across the RosettaHealth platform per month.

The RosettaHealth HealthBus platform leverages technology, server-less, and cloud infrastructure to provide scalable, secure information transport, data wrangling, and orchestration services – removing development time, cost and maintenance of in-house infrastructure.

In addition, when using a solution like the HealthBus platform, it is possible to industrialize health data exchange for making lightening-fast connections throughout the entire ecosystem of healthcare.

RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.
