CMS Data Interoperability Rule for Payers Goes Into Effect This Week

The final countdown to the CMS Interoperability rule is finally upon us with July 1st being the deadline for payers to become compliant. The much-discussed rule aims to make health information more easily available to patients by implementing new industry standards like HL7 FHIR APIs and by deterring information blocking.

According to CMS, the rule seeks to improve beneficiaries’ access to personal health data, benefits and provider network information. If payers fail to comply with these regulations by the deadline, they are subjected to a $1,000,000 fine per violation.

As highlighted in this recent Health Leaders Media article, mandate represents a step forward for patients being able to access insightful, actionable healthcare data in a timely fashion, so they can make better decisions about their health. The article also highlights how “the new rule means data should be released from its current proprietary silos to facilitate the healthcare journeys of members and patients.”

What makes this rule standout is that patients can gain a more comprehensive picture of their care by incorporating new sources of data from wearable devices. 

The good news is that the vast majority of Americans view the access of this information, and remote patient monitoring (RPM) overall very favorably.  According to research firm MSI International, four out of five Americans are embracing RPM, and two-thirds prefer to wear remote monitoring devices – as opposed to implanted devices.

In addition, from a provider perspective, this new rule will allow access to patients’ claims data, electronic health records, and other information that can better inform treatment decisions and lead to better health outcomes.

While true health data interoperability has been a challenge for many years, these new rules will break down the barriers that have existed for far too long. 

RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.
