PODCAST: Lee Barrett, Executive Director and CEO of EHNAC, Discusses New Criteria Versions for Organization’s 20 Accreditation Programs

In the following RosettaHealth podcast interview, we speak with Lee Barrett, Executive Director and CEO, Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC), about the comprehensive update of its criteria for its programs to support new interoperability regulations.

PODCAST: Lee Barrett, Executive Director and CEO of EHNAC

Earlier this month, EHNAC, a non-profit standards development organization and accrediting body for organizations that electronically exchange healthcare data, announced the release of new criteria versions for its 20 accreditation programs for use.

Key updates to the 2022 criteria include the addition of new interoperability and information blocking criteria across key related EHNAC accreditation programs, along with updates to the Trusted Dynamic Registration and Authentication Accreditation Programs (TDRAAP) to include recommended best practices to implement provisions of the CMS Interoperability and Member Access Rule.

Following are highlights from this interview:

  • About EHNAC and its overall mission. (:30)

  • Insights into the organization’s updated criteria for EHNAC’s programs to support new interoperability regulations. (3:12)

  • Why security, confidentiality, availability, integrity and efficiency should always be at the forefront of health data exchange. (7:34)

  • What the future holds for health data exchange. (10:55)

Please click here to learn more about EHNAC. In addition, RosettaHealth is an EHNAC-accredited organization.

RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.
