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Data Standardization and APIs to Drive Data-Driven Healthcare

With data sources expanding every day, the healthcare arena is poised to fully bring digital care to life.

However, unlike consumer industries, the healthcare sector has always lagged behind. This can seem counterintuitive since data is vital for enhancing the overall quality of care for patients, and can potentially drive down costs.

As highlighted in this Forbes Council article by Eric Rosow, CEO and co-founder of Diameter Health, one of the key challenges has been a lack of standardization around how data is exchanged.

Rosow points out that FHIR is a true standard for APIs in healthcare that is forward thinking, and is the answer to this challenge. CMS’ 2020 Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, which mandated that health plans offering coverage under programs like Medicare Advantage provide clinical and cost data to members over FHIR APIs, is also driving this paradigm shift.

In addition, the ONC’s 21st Century Cures Act aims to put data in the hands of consumers, improve nationwide clinical data exchange and accelerate collaboration across healthcare stakeholders – paving the way that health data is transmitted for many stakeholders.

For example, according to the ONC, health IT developers will need to publish Fast FHIR endpoints as part of the Cures Rule API Conditions and Maintenance of Certification.

Last year, we published a blog post about how the RosettaHealth HealthBus platform enables one connection to connect with everyone.

The solution opens up a world of possibility to hospitals, urgent and post-acute care systems, and ambulatory practices for use with any health information tools, not just EHRs approved components. It’s also easier to share clinical information with any system in any community – with one connection per system.

Along the lines of FHIR, HealthBus can also easily integrate and be operational in days with a wide array of options including HL7 V2, REST, FHIR, XDR, XDS, XCA, NwHIN, Direct Secure Messaging, SMTP/POP, or via a portal.

RosettaHealth’s HealthBus Essentials solution also allows users to quickly connect their systems and get data flowing. Customers receive common clinical HL7 V2 information in a standardized data structure via a REST API. There is no hosted software that requires internal staff and resources to manage, and is half the cost of competitive solutions.

RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.

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