Bringing Digital Primary Care to Life Through Health Data Interoperability

While we are living in an era of ever-advancing digital care, there still seems to be a lack of trust when it comes to leveraging virtual care solutions.

Many of these challenges come down to a wide-variety and disparate point-based solutions that tend to prioritize innovation over actual patient care. In addition, there is often a lack of clinician and nurse training that make it difficult to adopt solutions that advance digital primary care.

A recent MedCity News article dives further into this topic and also discusses how today’s virtual solutions for primary care need to be fully consumer-centric. One key element for advancing digital and virtual care is the ability to access and share medical records – for both providers and patients.

It’s been no secret that bringing health data interoperability to life comes with tremendous challenges, which include:

  • Managing inconsistent data from varied sources

  • Patient privacy and security issues

  • A lack of communication standards across EHRs

  • Organizational resistance to sharing data

  • The need to hire more internal resources to manage the interoperability efforts

Now’s the time to fully overcome these health data exchange challenges and bring the true vision of interoperability to life. And, fortunately, there are very easy solutions.  

Through a very straightforward integration, RosettaHealth’s new GetPatientRecords simplifies access to electronic medical records anywhere in the nation.

GetPatientRecords facilitates effective care by providing instant and secure access to vital patient information without the need for manual processes or individual interfaces to EHRs or heavy HIT systems.

The new offering removes the demand for extensive paperwork, patient consents, technical expertise, and adherence to strict access permissions and security protocols. GetPatientRecords streamlines this process, by enabling patient queries using just patient names and geographic areas.

Here are further benefits:

  •  Immediate Access: Gain instant access to patient medical records anywhere in the nation with RosettaHealth's innovative platform.

  •  Effortless Retrieval: Easily retrieve patient medical records through RosettaHealth's user-friendly interface, requiring only patient demographics and treatment locations for effortless access.          

  •  Extensive Uses: Discover the future of healthcare with RosettaHealth's dynamic platform, designed to revolutionize telemedicine, population health management, patient access, and more.  

From wellness and preventive measures to acute pain and trauma care, our platform offers comprehensive solutions for every aspect of care management. Boost patient involvement and improve care standards effortlessly with our cutting-edge technology. 

Ready to get started with RosettaHealth’s GetPatientRecords? Contact us here to book a demo.

 RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.
