HIT News Round Up: Revolutionary Growth for Health Information Exchange; Feedback on Draft Federal FHIR Action Plan; and Trajectory of Health Data Utilities

Welcome to the Health Information Technology Weekly News Round Up from RosettaHealth. Each week, we will provide you with a summary of all the actionable news that hospitals, HIT vendors, ACOs, and population health providers need to be smart and effective when it comes to HIT and health information exchange.  

Health Information Exchange Market is Set to Experience a Revolutionary Growth

The health information exchange market is poised for continued growth driven by technological advancements, expanding global market access, and increasing global industry needs, according to new research from SkyQuest Technology Group.

Biden Administration to Ease Confusion About Information Blocking Rules

The American Medical Association (AMA) enthusiastically supports the Biden administration’s proposal to give patients and physicians more control over health records without worrying about administrative and even criminal charges, as highlighted in this recent AMA letter.

ASTP Seeks Feedback on Draft Federal FHIR Action Plan

The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT  (ASTP) has published a draft Federal FHIR Action Plan to help guide federal investment and adoption of the FHIR standard.

Indiana HIE’s John Kansky on the Trajectory of Health Data Utilities, TEFCA

Indiana Health Information Exchange (IHIE) has been instrumental in the development of the concept of a health data utility (HDU), and here’s Q&A interview with the organization’s President and CEO John Kansky in Healthcare Innovation.

House Committee Passes Telehealth Flexibility Extension

Last week, a House committee voted to advance the Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024, which would extend telehealth flexibilities in Medicare for another two years. The bill would avert a year-end expiration of the pandemic-era flexibilities.

Turns Out Doctors and Patients Now Love Telehealth

A new paper published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics finds that telemedicine increased both the quality of patient care and physician satisfaction, as highlighted in this recent Fast Company article.

Opinion: It's Time for Patients to Own Their Health Care Data

Imagine a health care setting where every person controls their health data, allowing health care decisions to be driven by deeply personalized information and treatments finely tuned to each patient's unique needs. This was the key theme of this recent Newsweek Op-Ed.

To learn more about how RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.
