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Aligning Your Digital Health Strategy with Interoperability

The goal of any digital health strategy should be to leverage a suite of innovations that enhance the patient experience throughout a healthcare network.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic put digital health, telehealth and expanded HIT infrastructure into the forefront.  While the news points to us being at the end of the pandemic, these shifts in digital health will remain in place.

According to this recent Forbes article, the rapid pace of change in the HIT arena is enhancing EHR data interoperability, cloud infrastructure and open-source developer tools – an infrastructure-first approach.

The article highlights the key impacts from this approach:

  • IT infrastructure with a modular foundation will reduce overall technical debt.

  • Enterprise-wide interoperability allows new solutions to scale with ease.

  • Increased scale means increased adoption among key stakeholders.

  • Improved data accessibility will lead to insights, innovation and the creation of custom applications.

  • Lower technical debt will lead to larger ROI for IT investments and increased interest in addressing capability gaps in the digital ecosystem.

Thanks to industry-developed solutions, it is possible to achieve these key impacts.

For example, RosettaHealth's HealthBus is a SaaS-based solution that enables full health information exchange capabilities for sending and receiving all standardized exchange formats. It also offers real-time network analytics capabilities, which include detailed connection status as well as metrics and logs about each facility, feed or protocol.

With patient data exchange continuing to be a priority, care organizations are able to quickly embrace these types of capabilities and outcomes – without needing costly investments in infrastructure.

RosettaHealth can assist with any health information challenges you might have, book a free consultation with one of our interoperability experts.

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